“The Harbingers of Things to Come" Behind The Scenes with Ken Peckett AlongTheWay Special Edition
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn is releasing a special feature-length film that reveals even more secrets than his book “The Harbinger”. Go with him to the places where revelation unfolded and the patterns in the Bible expose what is happening in today’s headlines!
Ken Peckett of Charisma Media was with Jonathan Cahn on set for the production and shares his unique Behind the Scenes stories from the making of this film.
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Welcome to along the way. I'm John Matarazzo, your host and fellow traveler, thank you for joining me along my way is I try to become more like Jesus every day. The goal of along the way is to identify the moments in life that Jesus really is walking with us and trying to get our attention. But just like the disciples along the way to a madness, we are missing those moments that our hearts are burning within us. I want us to identify these moments, learn from others and apply those lessons to our lives so that we don't miss the blessings God has for us along the way in our life's journey. Since I started working at charisma media, I've had the opportunity to do podcast interviews that I wouldn't normally consider an along the way episode, because I was doing the interview for charisma news or some other format. And I've also been interviewed on other people's podcast too. Those have been great opportunities as well as interesting conversations, and I want to make sure that I share them with you as well. This behind the scenes episode is taken from a charisma news interview that I did with Ken packet, he had the opportunity to work with Rabbi Jonathan Khan for a very special project, a feature length film called the harbinger of things to come, which is available in theaters on May 12. And again on May 19. As a Fathom event, I'll make sure that the information to see this film is in the shownotes. I'll get to our conversation in just a moment. But I want to thank you for listening to along the way. All of my episodes and social links are available at my website. Along the way dot media. You can also join my email list to get updates right in your inbox. All the links from this episode will be in the show notes. And coming up in just a moment will be my conversation with Ken packet. But first, here's the commercial for the film, the harbingers of things to come.
Announcer Charisma:Or the shakings that have come upon America and the world from 911 to COVID-19. All part of an ancient mystery, a prophecy a warning of what is still to come. From New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Cohn comes an explosive and mind blowing motion picture, a harbinger of things to come. The one movie you can't afford not to see in theaters may 12 Tickets available at Fathom events.com.
John Matarazzo:Well, this is charisma news on the charisma Podcast Network. I'm John Matarazzo. And I have a very special guest with me in studio today. Mr. Ken Peck it thank you, he actually has some very unique viewpoints of this brand new film that is coming out that is going to be released Thursday, May 12, with a special showing again on May 19. With Jonathan Cohn, the harbingers of things to come. We here at charisma media are very excited about this great book, a book series really being kind of brought to life on the big screen. And the reason that can peck it is with me today is because he actually had the opportunity to be involved with the filming of this and actually working with Jonathan Cohn. So as a way to kind of let everybody know about this film. I wanted to bring Ken in to talk about that. So Ken, welcome to the charisma news podcast.
Ken Peckett:Thanks, John. It's an honor to be here. And, as you said, getting the opportunity to film with Jonathan Cohn was just such an honor Ray and a special occasion.
John Matarazzo:Now this is not the first film that Jonathan has done, and they've turned his books into something visual. But this is the first time that it's actually a film. It's on big screen. It's not just a whole lot of green screen animation and cutaways. You guys went to these specific locations that were described in these amazing, amazing Harbinger books. How did they just tell me about like, where did the idea come from that, hey, we need to turn this into something bigger than what we've ever done before.
Ken Peckett:Right, as you said, with the Harbinger and The Mystery of the Shamita. We did do green screen studio based explanations of the content. However, two years ago, when we were publishing Harbinger to the team, we're talking and we just felt like, Jonathan is such a powerful speaker that we needed his take on the book in a different way. We approached rabbi, two years ago. And as as usual, with Rabbi calm, it takes him a little while to agree with us, or to decide to participate. Sure, but he did. And in the middle of COVID, we felt it was an opportunity for us so we asked him to sit down and again, as is normal. With Jonathan, he wrote The script in every single word himself, and we agreed to put it together. So,
John Matarazzo:yeah, so how, first off, before we get into some of the things that happened on set, what makes this different than what we've done before?
Ken Peckett:It's the locations is the opportunity to see everything in place. For those of you who have read his prior books, you know, he has characters in there, such as Nadal, the prophet who will come and explain things to people during his different books. Well, if you've never been there, you don't quite understand the impact. So this was an opportunity to expand the content, expand your understanding of what is being said, by going on site, right, going to all those locations, making it more real for people,
John Matarazzo:because these are real locations. I mean, the harbinger is, what would you classify it? It's not fiction, but it's prophetic narrative, I think is what I've described it. Yeah,
Ken Peckett:it's its narrative. Yeah, nonfiction. Because, you know, I'll be honest with you, the first time I was given the Harbinger by Steve Strang. Yeah. Prior to release many years ago, before I actually worked for charisma. I was confused, okay. Because there's a line between what is real? And what is fiction, because he uses a fictional narrative to explain the biblical truths that apply to our nation today. So it's almost
John Matarazzo:like a parable correct throughout the whole book. Exactly.
Ken Peckett:So for a literalist, like myself, working out what was real and wasn't, was sometimes difficult. Sure. So that is Jonathan style that uses to explain things, you know, and if you understand Jewish Israeli history, that is, you know, a rabbinical teaching method. Yeah, absolutely. So therefore, as Jesus did, he is using that same way.
John Matarazzo:Very cool. So tell me about the filming of this because you guys went on locations and some of these. I well, I love that you've said since then, that you're gonna have to vet some of these things a little bit. Tell us about why that's why that's something that you've made made a demand
Ken Peckett:for the previous book Harbinger to write Jonathan selected locations without having visited them. Okay. So probably the most interesting was that your island. Jonathan had seen that your island on Google Maps. During his research, he'd seen online pictures of it. So when we came to film, we were like, Let's go to that your island? Well, you then discover that your island is only open five months of the year. There is a boat that goes two days a week. If you use the charter standard boats. Well, that didn't work for what we were needing to do. Oh, goodness. So we ended up having to rent a boat. Pick it up in Gloucester, Massachusetts on a foggy morning, Tuesday morning, I believe, go an hour in this boat in the fog transfer with all of our equipment to a small rowboat. Go across to a slippery algae covered ramp that we then had to climb off the boat and try not to slide back into the water right out of Massachusetts Bay. Yeah, to get up there. It was interesting. And on top of that, it was mating season. No birds were laying eggs. Okay. And it's a bird sanctuary. Oh, so the birds were as you can imagine, a little bit protective.
John Matarazzo:Sure. And not too happy that you guys were there for
Ken Peckett:correct. So a lot of our time during filming mine especially was spent wielding a big stick on the side of the cameraman and Jonathan to keep the birds at bay so they weren't attacked while filming.
John Matarazzo:Yeah. You wrote an article in our recent issue of charisma magazine and I like how in your bio at the end it says Ken Beckett is the Comptroller and Executive Vice President of Operations for charisma media and resident Englishmen. While filming this documentary he added bird scared demoniac facer? Yep, electric, eccentric lady defender and your crew labor to his resume. Correct. I read this article a couple of times. Tell me about the demoniac one too, because that's yeah,
Ken Peckett:that first day we were filming. We were on the shores of the Hudson River looking over Manhattan, in New Jersey. And as we were leaving, we were there was this little man who was one assumes homeless hanging around and muttering and we were just sitting eating lunch actually is before we left. And we were just wondering what was going on? and slowly he came closer and closer. And as he did, he said things like you are sent to destroy me. He said, I have the power, I have removed the shoes of angels and will destroy them. So maybe yeah, as you can imagine, you know, Jonathan and I are looking at each other. And working out how to address this. And I will add our crew were not Christians to my knowledge. So we had some interesting discussions around that. Yeah, I'm sure. And of course, a large part of my role while filming was to support Jonathan, to protect Jonathan exactly, you know, and make sure also, the whole time I had to stay between Jonathan and this person to just act as the buffer for him, which also leads to the Times Square incident. Aha, there is a well known lady in Times Square, wears a bikini and plays a guitar.
John Matarazzo:So I've heard of the Naked Cowboy, but that's what it was. I didn't know this is a female
Ken Peckett:version, I guess. And yes, as we were filming, she came up and was trying to get on camera and talk to us. And oh, good. Yes. So again, I was being the defender, the protector, and trying to keep it away from Jonathan.
John Matarazzo:Well, I really appreciate that. And, you know, as somebody that's worked behind the scenes, and a lot of TV production myself, I know what has to go into keeping the talent and keeping the person who's the main, the host, or whatever it is, keeping them focused on what they're supposed to do that requires us to really do everything we can to make sure that they have no idea outside
Ken Peckett:of what's going on honesty's carrying the umbrella when it's raining is making sure there's lunch, it's yeah, it was we were on a boat filming in front of the Statue of Liberty. And it was keeping all of the equipment still. So Jonathan standing the boats rocking the camera man's filming the teleprompter ladies holding a teleprompter. And I'm the guy on the floor of the boat holding on to the tripods to stop them from rocking and moving and falling away. You know? Yeah. So when you see those Pete's I'm down below the camera there. All right. That's my moment of fame. Yeah,
John Matarazzo:that's great. So have you seen the entire film? Absolutely. Yeah. What is your takeaway from that?
Ken Peckett:The takeaway is we as a nation, have to make choices. As a nation, we have chosen to allow satan greater rain. You know, we have moved away from the biblical principles. And ultimately, we will follow the path that Israel followed in that in history. Yeah. If we do not choose to repent, you know, you go back through history. You see, Israel was warned. It sometimes they turned. Sometimes they didn't. Sometimes it was short periods of time that they were in the wilderness, or they were in a certain place, and sometimes it was hundreds of years. They went into bondage. You know, yeah. So ultimately, that's the message that comes out.
John Matarazzo:Right. Now, I had the opportunity to see a preview version of it. So it wasn't completed. And the things that I saw, it was really amazing. And Jonathan reveals some things that has not been revealed in the books. Correct. So there is very special material in here and very special revelations, I guess. Yeah. Is that he uncovers that, that people have like speculated for years. But he really leans into that, and we're not going to talk about what those things are.
Ken Peckett:That's you have to show up, as well. May the 19th. Yes, you know, go to fathom events.com to find out where it is near you. Yeah.
John Matarazzo:And we, as the Christmas staff are all excited about going together, that's going to be a good time. And there's also a big reveal that's going to happen at the end of this is that I'll let you I'll let you kind of describe what
Ken Peckett:that right. Well, for those of you who know, Jonathan, we have a new book coming this September, releasing on September the sixth. And the first time you can discover the title of that book and see the cover is at about 833 local time in your local movie theater at the end of the fit the airing of the show. So if you want to know first show up, and not just that, you will be given a QR code and a web link to be the first to have some great offers on pre ordering that book.
John Matarazzo:That's wonderful. You know, I work here at charisma and I don't even know the name or what the cover looks like of this new book. And I had the opportunity to talk with Jonathan, he gave me a little bit of a taste of what this is, but it's gonna be very powerful. I can't wait to see the name revealed and the book cover as well, because the team here does a great job.
Ken Peckett:And so, you know, I was honored to be one of the few that Jonathan explained it to me a while back. And Jonathan is always dramatic. But I will say, this really is his most explosive book yet. Right? What he says in it takes what he has been saying. And introduces us to new revelations, based upon where we as a nation, and we as individuals stand today.
John Matarazzo:Yeah. So this is not just it's not going to be just a rehashing of what's already been out there. It is going deep, it is going further, it is going faster. And we're expecting we're expecting things to happen with this.
Ken Peckett:Yeah. And I will also say we have the manuscript. Yeah. Well, yeah. 80% of the manuscript. Again, Jonathan, always even leaves us hanging. Receive the book. Yeah. But yeah, but it will be there, we promise it will be there. It's all there. Everything is scheduled. And even with supply chain issues in the market, we are ready to print this book. And it's gonna be on the shelves in your usual locations. So for those of you who don't preorder, but it will be in Walmart, it will be in target. It will be in all of those locations, you would expect to find an array on our website, too. And of course, it will be on our websites and other places. That's
John Matarazzo:good. So Fathom events.com For tickets, that is May 12. Correct. I believe the normal showings are at seven. I know, one of the theaters around here has added a second showing that night for 730.
Ken Peckett:And multiple have around the country. Yeah, that is wonderful. Yeah. And you may find yours is sold out. You're right. If so, maybe call them theater. You know, they have the liberty to add screens, if they have the demand for it. So you know, give them a shout, see if they'll open up another screen if they're sold out for you. And on top of it. If you're in an area, which is too far away, we do have a way to see it in a church or another area. Okay. So I'm sitting here thinking I don't know exactly where to go. Find out where that is. We're actually just looking at it right now to see it's in the middle of the article.
John Matarazzo:But is it the failure and active network.com? Yes. All right. If you go there,
Ken Peckett:you can then sign up to have it at your church or if you're overseas. Yeah, you can have it locally there as well. Oh, good.
John Matarazzo:So faith connect network if you want to host an event at your church, because you can't get to the theater correct. And we'll make ways for that to happen through that link. But if you can't get to the theater, May 12, at seven o'clock 730, depending on what your location is go to fathom events.com. Then also on the following week, you can either see it again, bring a friend with you, or just tell everybody that you can see the harbingers of things to come on the 19th. At same thing, Fathom events.com. And you will be able to take a friend, tell everybody about it. And we want to hear what your Harbinger wow moments are, please let us know what has impacted you when you've seen this film.
Ken Peckett:Yep. We're, we're excited. We believe God is going to use this message as he has in the past with Jonathan to bring our country to a new place. And that ultimately is our goal. So
John Matarazzo:Amen. Well can pack it. Thank you so much for taking some time to let us go behind the scenes about this movie harbingers of things to come with Jonathan Cohen. We're looking forward to seeing it. I'm sure your names will be in the credits at some point for some of these actually, not No,
Ken Peckett:the only credit is Jonathan calm and any content we get paid for on camera man, directors producers. Now, if you look, I will give you a little teaser. And it'd be interesting to see if anybody works it out. I do have a cameo appearance to second, okay, at some point in the movie.
John Matarazzo:To keep our eyes peeled for that people that know what you look like. But yeah, definitely, I would recommend everybody get the recent issue of the charisma magazine because Ken wrote a great article. There's great pictures and that where you can see some of this behind the scenes footage that you won't even see in the film. So get the magazine, go to see the film, and check out the harbingers of things to come.
Ken Peckett:Thank you. Thank you, John. We appreciate it. And we look forward to what God's gonna do.
John Matarazzo:Amen. Oh, thank you for listening to charisma news on the charisma Podcast Network. Thank you for listening to this episode of along the way. If you've enjoyed joining me along my way, please share this with a friend who you think will be encouraged by this podcast. Also, please rate and review along the way on iTunes that helps more people discover along the way. And please subscribe to this podcast wherever you're listening. You can follow me on Facebook, Instagram and through my website along the way dot media. On my website. You can sign up to receive newsletter updates whenever I put out a new episode. So you Don't miss one. If you want to help support me in this podcast, I have a Patreon page. The link to become a supporter is also in my show notes. I hope that you've enjoyed this part of my journey and may you realize when Jesus is walking with you along your way. Along the way is honored to be part of the charisma Podcast Network. You can find tons of spirit filled content from our vast catalogue of podcasts, including my Monday through Friday news stories for the charisma news podcast. Go to CPN shows.com To see the full list and latest episodes