"Still Rockin 4 Jesus" - Benny DiChiara - AlongTheWay 122
Benny DiChiara is back to update on how he's still rocking 4 Jesus and the opportunities that God has recently opened up for him to share his relationship with Jesus to a new audience.
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And when we get saved, it's not easier because you may as well just go ahead and put that target on your back for the devil. Look, Satan doesn't want to Satan, he's brilliant. He's brilliant. He talked angels to leave the kingdom of heaven and follow him. I mean, if he could talk angels out of heaven, he could talk us straight into hell, if we're listening to him, instead of Jesus, right.
John Matarazzo:Welcome to along the way. I'm John matter as your host and fellow traveler, thank you for joining me along my way as I've tried to become more like Jesus every day. The goal of along the way is to identify the moments in life that Jesus really is walking with us and trying to get our attention. But just like the disciples along the way to amaze us, we are missing those moments that our hearts are burning within us. I want us to be able to identify those moments, learn from others and apply those lessons to our lives so that we don't miss the blessings that God has for us along the way in our life journey. It's nice whenever I'm able to make a friend while podcasting. Bending to share is one of those people that I have definitely stayed in touch with since our original interview. we've reconnected for this conversation. And I hope that you enjoy his update on what God has been doing in his life along the way for this last year. I'll get to our conversation in just a moment. But as always, I want to thank you for listening to along the way. I hope that you like what you hear and that you subscribe, please rate and review along the way on Apple podcast or wherever you're listening. All of my contact information is in the show notes. And you can check out all of my episodes, and please join my email list through my website along the way dot media, I would love to hear from you. Also, I have a Patreon page if you'd like to help me to continue to put out these along the way episodes. If you'd like to become a patreon supporter, simply go to patreon.com/along the way and select the level. The link to become a supporter is also in my show notes. And now here's my second conversation with Benny to share. Well, Benny does share it it is great to have you back on along the way. Thanks so much for coming back. Yeah, thanks.
Benny DiChiara:It's been a bit so blessed to be back with you, man. It's fun. Yeah,
John Matarazzo:I was just going through my journal and realizing that the the first time that you and I connected you are a guest on the hope today program. And I literally wrote in my journal that it said this was the most confusing longest Skype test because at that point, we were just doing Skype test for for the for the hope today program. And we've just having so many issues getting everything worked out. But I'm so glad that we went through that process, because everything worked fine the next day for the live show.
Benny DiChiara:Thank you Jesus, right.
John Matarazzo:I know. But be because we spent literally, I wrote in my journal we were doing we were figuring it out for two hours. We actually became good friends virtually in that two hour period. That's right. Well, we're basically kind of forced to be with each other, right? So it was exactly and and so that I invited you to to do it along the way with me and yeah, got your story on that we call it surrender the outcome. That's episode number 96. I'll put a link in that in the show description so that people can check that full episode out. If you want to hear Benny's full story up until that point last year whenever we did that interview, but you've had some things happen within this last year that that God's put his hand on and from a competition to some of your songs getting extra extra attention. And so whenever whenever your publicist is, you know, a mutual friend said a Benny's doing. Benny's got more to talk about. I'm like, Okay, that's all I need to hear. Let's bring along good. Let's catch up. I just need an excuse. Let's go. What's been happening along the way for you?
Benny DiChiara:My wife, Donna would say, Oh, Benny has something to talk about. Let me tell you, so it's like that what she enjoys when she enjoys when I'm sleeping? Because it gives her so there's a lot of stuff, but a lot of stuff. So since we since we had talked, you know, we were talking about the three days record that was out. And, you know, for those who are watching or listening. John, I would share this sometimes things happen. Where it's so big. You know, it's not you write it, it has to be God moving on your life. I'm a big predestination person, right? Like when we first met, I thought that was predestined eons ago, because God knows everything so so the first record, by the way, it's gone over 300,000 streams on Spotify. And so I've got Yeah, I mean, that's significant. Nobody knows who we are. And it's, it's, it's great. But as I was always selling a media friend of mine, they were like, A, they're in a secular world. And they were like, Y'all are blowing up and there's all this stuff. And it's 300 Oh, well, and I'm like us, I was laughing. And I said, slow that down. So, but the thing is, in the music world, those numbers probably don't mean like a lot, because everything's numbers, right? But in heaven, yeah. Man, there's, there's a party going on. Right? Just just for the people who have heard that. So coming out of that is like an in in October of 20 of 2020. My dad had more plumbing work done to his heart and his, his veins and he just had stents everywhere quintuple bypass, we always thought we'd lose that to that. And he felt a pain in his hip. told my mom, he thought he had a blood clot. So he self diagnose, which was funny, because he's just a little Sicilian Dude, that was rufen his whole life. But he but he self assessed himself, and went to the doctor. And long story short, the doctor says, Hey, bud, you have cancer. And he's like, really, like how bad and the doctor said, get your stuff together. And so I looked at his PET scans and everything. Because when I was in the Navy, as a medic, right, I knew how to do that. And I mean, I looked at it. And as a, as a serious man of faith. I believe God can do anything. The message I got when I looked at his scans was, I'm going to heal your dad in heaven. Because it was it was everywhere. So it took it was nine days from diagnosis to go into the table. Oh, wow. And dad, and I had a little discussion at the end of his life within the last couple of days. I'm like, Dad, not only are you going, not only do you have a place at the buffet table, you have a name tag set out. So I need you. This is our discussion seriously. And I'm like, I need you to tell me, you know where you're going. It's important. And so his nickname for me is Pastor boy, right? Which is kind of funny. And he's like, yes, yeah. He's like, yes, Pastor, boy, I know where I'm going. And I said, Dad, any other day? That would be funny, right? Not today. So tell me and he's like, Well, Jesus died. And he rose again. And I believe that I'm going to heaven, right? Mike? Does absolutely right. So it doesn't matter what the doctors telling you. But it's going to suck for us, it's going to be great for you. And it's also going to be great for me because I know your address. That's important, right? So I know your address. So so so dad pass. And God kind of said, you need to write a song about it, just to touch people who have lost. It could be it could be their family member, it could be a friend, it could be it could be even a loss of job. People just handle loss and grief so differently. And so it's called I'll meet you there and his daddy song in parentheses. And so that's doing really well on all the streaming platforms everything. And it's it's just touched. Everyone who's heard it. And ironically, as we sit here speaking, my wife's father is in hospice at home after a really serious thing, he's at a really serious thing. And we're in the process of losing him over the next day or so. So So and I say that because how people deal with that without Jesus, I have no idea. If you do not have Jesus as your foundation, if you're listening or watching this, I just implore you. The reason the house that was built on the rock is the one who stood is because Jesus is the foundation, he's the rock. And so to go to go through that, and now the song that God gave me for my dad is rolling right around into my father in law, who also called dad, and, and it's touching people that we're coming into contact with. Over the course of the last couple of weeks, it's just been it's just, I don't know, it's an amazing thing. When you are you're ready for it. We're going back to a previous episode here, when you surrender the outcome, because God's got this. There, there can be a peace, right? There can be a peace through loss, because you're foundationally rooted in Christ. And somebody told me once they said, Is it that easy? And I'm like, Yes, it is. It really is. It's just a matter of choice. It's as easy as am I going to Starbucks today? Am I gonna get a 13? Name latte or just a coffee? And it's the same thing. It's just a choice.
John Matarazzo:Yeah. You know, Benny is we're talking about this, we're, you know, I know that this, this conversation is going to talk about loss. You know, I, two weeks ago as we're recording this, I lost a mentor of mine, Dr. Steve green, he passed away. And it was, it was a difficult thing to just process that I knew he was in the hospital, he was on a ventilator and had had complications. And we were praying that he would come out of it. But he didn't. And he had been my life coach for three and a half years. And God used him to open up opportunities for me to move to Florida to work at charisma just to I mean, I I owe so much of what I have right now to Dr. Steve green. And I know exactly where he's at. I mean, there's no there's no doubt in my mind that he was greeted at the pearly gates saying well done good and faithful servant. But you still are dealing with waves of emotion. And like the knowing that I can't text and get a response. Right, you know, it says little things, those little things that really, really get to you. Tell me about about that for you like that. Some of those little things and how you put this into a song and let's just talk about overcoming overcoming some loss.
Benny DiChiara:Yeah, I'll tell you like, like leading up to daddy's death. My wife was like, you just don't seem emotionally connected here sorta, in in for me, because I was a Navy medic, right? I'm like, my thing in my mind is I'm processing right. I'm like, Who's the doctor? When's the appointment? What's he going to say? What do we need to do? And I told my wife, I said, there's going to be time for that later. And so when my dad passed, it was a Friday. When I got home, the next day, when I got home, I broke like, I haven't broken before. I've got a little I've got a bench in my, in my closet. And I went sat on it. And just I had a face, my hand towel and I'm in hand towel. But it was to a point where I'm, I'm self coaching myself, like, Come on, man, get it together. And just and I was it was just a flow, right? And Donna saw that she's like, I've never seen that. So there was morning, right? Just a deep morning love my dad, he taught me integrity and all that sort of setup, my father in law, just just a man of integrity. Everything was above board. But I'm going to tell you this, and it just God's given me this. I don't know if he's gonna speak to you or whomever but it's for someone because God's given it to me. My MOU, our ni ng my morning, did not carry over to every mo AR N. Ing. You follow? So my, my deep morning did not dictate every morning, thereafter. And so for me personally, I haven't broken like that about Daddy, again, right? I have I had moments. Like you're saying, you know, you have moments, all of a sudden you feel like key wheat. It's wedged in your, in your throat. So you think about is like oh, so. But there hasn't been I can't go on type. Morning or feeling because God is saying, listen, again, I'm in control surrendered an outcome to me because I have plans for you. That I need you to accomplish. And I think I just I just think the reason Peter sank, right? Was because he took his eyes off Jesus and he started looking at everything going on around the boats rockin there's guys on the boat screaming why they didn't get out. I still don't know. There's waves all over the place and wind and everything. And he looked at the chaos that is our life sometimes, like with losing somebody or craziness at work or any of that. And he he took his eyes off Jesus. And I think it's a great story for us that when we take our eyes off of Jesus, especially during difficult times. We feel like we can't go on like we we can't continue to walk like Peter did right? And so, and that's that's when God is saying listen, I want you to press in. Like press into me. Press into me, don't press into Benny. Don't press into John, press in to me, because I have the answers. And just to me, that's a helpful place for us to operate. Right? Because without Jesus, what do we have?
John Matarazzo:Yeah, we really don't have any hope without Jesus. I mean, I, as you, you said this earlier, or before we started recording, like, I don't know how people get through this. Without Jesus. Like, it's just right. It floors me as a follower of Jesus Christ. And I know where I'm going. I know, we're, you know, I know we're Dr. Green is or my grandparents are. But like, it's still hard. Like, yeah, I don't know how people do it without Jesus. Right? I don't think they do. I don't think they really do.
Benny DiChiara:Right. And when we get saved, it's not easier because you may as well just go ahead and put that target on your back for the devil. Look, Satan doesn't want to Satan does not. He's brilliant. He's, he's brilliant. He talked angels to leave the kingdom of heaven and follow him. I mean, if he could talk angels out of heaven, he could talk us straight into hell, if we're listening to him, instead of Jesus. Right. And I just saw that someplace. And that just spoke loudly to me. So So here's, here's a, here's the thing, and I'm going to transition on you a little bit. All right, but but there's a, there's what I'm talking about how God can move you from loss into greater things that you don't even know or come in. But but they only come if your focus is right, and it's on him. So. So there's a guy that I've been following for quite some time, online, you know, as a musician, as an artist, you connect with labels and with managers and with instrument companies, and he's got a drum company, and it's called, it's called Outlaw Drums. Like, like, outlaw right? Yeah. So. And he takes old bridges and old public buildings, old churches, and he takes that word, he repurpose it. And he makes it, he makes handcrafted drums and drum sets. Gorgeous and phenomenal sounding. And so he did this contest, I saw him come across my feet, he did this contest, I didn't even tell my wife about it. It's like, Hey, we're looking to help out some bands. And you can win this $2,000 snare drum and this artist girl, Amy lane, she, she's done the Art Deco to it. And so, it this is a secular company, right? And I'm like, What a great way to help him out. So I submitted and God says, yep, put your daddy song in there, put put, I'll meet you there. So I'm like, really? Okay, we're going to do that. So we do it. And then we make the top five out of 40 entries. And then later in the week, he does a live reveal. And we actually wind up winning the thing, right? Wow. So So what's exciting for me was that I went to Georgia, to meet him in person, and do some PR pictures for it and all that kind of stuff. We just did a national press release about all of it. And he was the greatest guy, good Christian guy, right? Just doesn't push it through his company, whatever. And he wanted to do some podcast. So we're sitting there doing, we're dropping Jesus bombs through every single podcast we did in the more we talked, the more engaging it got, right? And the more he was, the more he was into it. And I'm sitting there and God is going, I'm doing a thing here. And I'm like, Yes, you are. Because I'm all in secular world right now. But it was enjoyable for me because people who may have never heard the story, or, or my story or his story, God story had an opportunity to hear it through this other medium, right. So God opened up that other medium, and, and we've become the best of friends since. Okay, we're well connected with all that kind of stuff. And I told him, you know, end of July for end of August, we're going to cut a new record. So he's, he's like, I need to hear that. So I'm like, Hey, you're first on the list, but don't worry about it. You along with several others. And so So later this summer, what God kind of told me cut a new record. So we're going to cut a new record. So we're, we're setting up for it now. And we're trying to finish the final compositions of the songs and everything. And then Mikey Howard is going to get with us and produce again, and it'll be awesome. That's cool. So when
John Matarazzo:you had those opportunity to be on that podcast and to share about Jesus and share your story, what are some of the things that you felt led to share and how did God opened up those doors for you. And how did you How did you know like, this is where God wanted you to go. Because that's one of the things I'm always looking for to learn. Because I know God speaks to me and says, you know, in doing podcast or other interviews or just normal conversations, sometimes God says, this is where I want you to go, this is what I want you to say. And it's amazing how God opens up that door. Tell me about that about that experience for you.
Benny DiChiara:Yeah, that's a great question. It's a great question. Every interview that I've done my wife is like, are you prepping? for that? I'm like, I am. prepped. And she's like, what does it mean? And really don't sit there and say, whatever, because normally I follow the interviewer. But the the basic premise is always there if, if God is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. If he's the Lord of the Bible, and the Bible is in a history book, if we believe that to be true, he knows everything. Right? He also knows everything. We're going to say. This was a big lesson for me, John, he knows everything we're gonna say. So. So for me, surrender, the outcome became a thing, right? And so I'm like, Lord, I'm surrendering as I knew we were going to talk today. I'm like, I'm surrendering John's, we're great friends, since the the first couple of times we talked and just, whatever you've got, give me and we're just gonna roll with it. It's I can I can tell you, there's a there's a freedom there. That if whoever's listening or watching doesn't have, you need to get you some, you need to get you some because the freedom and just moving in what God has for you. Yeah, man. Right. For instance, the new record the title track, the title is going to be Yahweh Nisi. So in the, in the Hebrew, that's the Lord is my banner. And it's going to be a little militant, and a little rowdy, and all that, and God's telling me, listen, the world is turning from me, but in some way, the Christian community is turning from me too. And I'm calling people to be warriors for me right now, because time is short. So that's what I want you to address in this new record. So I don't want to do a record. And just lyrically, make it nice. So I can be on the radio. That's not our mission. Anyway, when we play on stage, it's a party for Jesus, right? But there needs to be some legacy to that, right. Like, if the love of Jesus doesn't flow over the foot lamps, then we should like, quit do birthday parties or something. So. But if if our main goal is to leave people with what Jesus can do for them in their life, regardless of what they're going through, kind of mission accomplished. That's in my mind. So
John Matarazzo:I know for me, because my podcast is focused on those moments where you realize that Jesus was walking with you. Now, as you look back, but you might not have recognized it right, then I have a goal in this podcast to to get to kind of get to that point where we can learn about how Jesus met somebody in their life. But you were on a podcast that was not that didn't have a goal like that. That wasn't, you know, seeking an opportunity to share the gospel like I'm always looking for God. How do you want to minister during this that? Yeah. How did you work Jesus into the conversation? That's what I'm trying to get to, in those podcasts that we're about brought his name up. You brought his name up? That's a great start.
Benny DiChiara:Let's talk about isn't it though, you brought up? Yeah, I tell people who struggle with the Bible, I'm like, Just read the red stuff. I mean, just just read the red stuff. It's Jesus speakings is it's in red. And you know, and we're talking and in the middle of it, I start talking about what God's doing in our life and with the band and all that and he goes, Really, and we go, yeah, and then God's like, you know, it's like being at a at a drag strips, like BP green and the Holy Spirit saying, Go, go, go, go, go. And so, so. So that's, that's another thing to think. Like, when God says move. He requires four things of us, right? Mo V. E, okay. Move. Don't think about it. Don't get involved with it. Don't let our own minds tell us, hey, Is God really speaking it to me because if it's bigger than something you can think of? I guarantee you. God is faking it to you because he doesn't play around. And he gives us huge goals that only he can accomplish using us right as a tool, that way he gets the glory, or that way he should get the glory. So for me as an artist, and playing and having the opportunity to be out there and interview with people, and all that kind of stuff, that's a gift that not many people get to have in your life, right? It's not fame or anything like that. But it's an opportunity to share about him. So regardless if it's Christian or secular, this could even apply to your job. If you're not an artist. That's okay. Let's say you work at Chick fil A, well, yeah, Chick Fil A's got that little bass go. And so you know, or any place, but if you work any place, right? It's a, it's a mission field, wherever you work, it's a mission for you. And God gives us the opportunity to share him in some kind of way. Even if it's as simple as a, God bless you. And if you're talking to someone who's going through somebody through something, and they say, you say God bless you. And they go, Well, thank you. Because I really needed that. There's the Holy Spirit, say, ready, baby, go, go, go. Because there's an opportunity to sew into someone, and like, bring them into the kingdom. So God gives us these gifts. And for me, it's being onstage and acting crazy and doing what we do. And you know, singing about him. And in between, we get to talk about him. What we do with our gift is our gift back to him. So that sounds like a deep thing. But it's it's really a simple thing. And he always, always provides opportunities for us to do that. And whether or not we choose to follow those opportunities. I don't want to get to heaven, and be the betta servant who dug a hole and buried the money. I'm just saying, I don't want to do it.
John Matarazzo:I know. I have enough to answer for so that's a fear of mine. Well,
Benny DiChiara:but it's a gift for the opportunity to there's a verse in the Bible, even the rocks will cry out. So how much more value do we have than a rock? I'm just saying a lot. Right? Yeah, it's our opportunity to talk and to reach out to other people. For him. It's a great gift to be able to do that. Amen. Like be here today. Again, with you. Yeah, it's a great opportunity. It's a great gift. So it's what it is. Yeah.
John Matarazzo:So Benny, you made you made mention that for this contest. You felt the Lord saying, he put his hand he put his finger on this daddy song? Yeah, yeah. What was your original plan? Before that? What song were you going to submit or whatever, three days, three days I actually, which is a pretty good rockin song.
Benny DiChiara:It's a pretty good rocket song. And the message doesn't get more simple, right? So Oh, yeah. So I did that one, I put that one. And you could put up to two and God said, Daddy song. So get this. So Michael, who owns the company who did it. His dad passed three years ago building drums with him in a warehouse. And it was it. He just, it was like that instant. And it took him a while to get over it. Like a long time, like over a year to get over it. Because he and his dad were like really close. And we got a chance to talk about that song on his podcast. After sharing with him. He's like, man, there's a reason that song just spoke. To me. It's there's a reason everyone who's heard it who's been through some kind of loss, or knows someone close to him to them, that's passed on or whatever. They all say the same thing. And that's how you know that I'm not that talented to write that kind of song. Right. And so Mikey Howard, yeah. Who produces this? He's the seventh time down guy, right? So he co wrote with me, you know, we're just not that talented to do that either. Holy Spirit's speaks through you to be able to have eternal impact on people. Or he doesn't. So when we're writing songs, we don't want to write a song that we go, oh, that sounds really good. There's a hook maybe we can get on a radio. That's not That's not what it's about. It's about one person, possibly who's listening to us today who hear something that we've talked about that pointing to Jesus, and they they develop a deeper relationship with him. And it points them to heaven. And so we haven't start rejoicing right now. Go look I'm using. I'm using two Italians on a podcast right here and who thought that would be something and look at boo and we have another we have another entrance into the kingdom of heaven. And so I mean, put a price on that. You can't it's priceless. Its price. less, just like when Jesus gave His Son for us, right? That is, that is a price less gift because we gained everything from that God lost his son. But for a short period, he had a bigger plan, right? So brought him back man for just three days, just three days. And that's where three days came from. Yeah, that's where the song came from. So
John Matarazzo:I work in my podcast name, I work in your songs, titles as much as I can, in these conversations. You weren't
Benny DiChiara:everything. That's amazing. That's God given talent right there. So
John Matarazzo:all I'm saying, I try, you gotta use those. You know, I'm not dad yet, but I'm practicing my dad jokes. That's it's, that's it's a good thing coming up later in life.
Benny DiChiara:My kids are tired. They're like, oh,
John Matarazzo:so another song that you have recently coming out? Or it's out right now. It's called listen to the children. Yeah, yeah. Tell me about that. And like, why is this an important thing for you? Because honestly, sometimes you can hear God speaking through kids, but sometimes it's just gibberish. How do you determine what is the good thing to listen to? And how do you like what inspired you to write this song?
Benny DiChiara:You know, what the Holy Spirit spoke to me in that is, our kids in general, are being so dumbed down. Right now, the one thing I mean, God knows everything. Everybody's like, oh, this pandemic? Whoa, I didn't see that comment. Well, guess what God did. He knew. It was right, the lockdown. God knew all the unrest that we see right now. God knew all of the crazy people in politics and there's a lot of them on both sides. God knew so God knows everything. So. So one thing that the pandemic and the lockdowns and everything opened up was that parents saw stuff being told to their children that they never knew about it. And it created this big thing across the country. Right. And I think, I think through the pandemic, what God did was unveiled a lot of evil that we thought we knew, but we need proof. Right? So he's like, here's a nugget, here's a nugget. And so it everybody was exposed to it. So it's foundationally set in the Bible, the Bible's truth, the Bible's word, you know, and the kids now there's a saw thing on a window and a teacher put up this thing saying, if your parents can't deal with your transitioning thoughts, then I'm your mama and stuff like that. I saw that. That's crazy. Yeah. And so for me, God was saying, if we want to know what's going on with our kids, if we want to know what's being told to our children, just listen to our kids. Because kids, the one great thing about kids, they cannot lie not very well. And even if they lie, they tell themselves, they're horrible at it. And they'll just straight up tell you, you know, if you're eating at McDonald's has happened to me before my kids were babies, right? There's a booger in your nose. I'm like, really are rebroadcasting down across? Seriously, and you just they can't, right? So. So for me, that song was about, listen to the children hear what they're saying, right? And we should be praying over our kids. And we should be instilling God's Word into their little souls into their little hearts into their little. So Mick capdeville, he's my drummer. Incredible, okay, just an incredible guy, incredible daddy, his son, this is right after we this is right after we cut three days record. His son gets diagnosed with leukemia. So they immediately stick him in a truck boom got to Memphis Center at St. Jude's for like almost a year. Wow. chemo, just all kinds of stuff. And so on this day and 2022 Luke crews man is in remission. Mountain kids faces off about like what Jesus did to snap in and all that kind of stuff. But when they were at St. Jude's up there, Mick said one night, his wife had called him to the room. And he looked and they looked into cruises room. And it's dark, except for the night light cruisers sitting on the bed with his arms, like raised up with little fish, right? And he's in the bed. He's going this is how a five mob bed. How old is he at this throw in a Smitty? Ban six. And he's throwing Michael W. Smith down in the bed and mix like what do I do with that? Like, I'm supposed to be the spiritual leader of a family. This boy is like leading it and I said, You know what that is? That's well done. Mom and dad. That's what it is really. you've sewn into him? So he's rooted and he has that it helped him fight and his kids completely he's gonna Oh, he's a little David. I call him Hello, David. I gave MC a rock the other day with like Jeremiah 2911 on it and I put like a little twist on it and whatever. Because he carries stuff in his pockets. And I'm like, give this boy a rock and tell him whenever. Whenever the devil starts talking to him about anything like grab that rock and just go Huh, I've heard about you big dude and you're going down. So just things like that, right? It's just, it's little God winks, it's little miracles that we get to see. If we just surrender the outcome press in, follow him when he says move mov II don't think about it, because you're putting yourself in it. And you'll see the greatness of what God's trying to do in your life if we do that along the way.
John Matarazzo:Amen. There we go. There it was in my title, and there was so with along the way, you know, my whole thing is like, Where was Jesus walking with you that you weren't aware in the moment, but you look back and you see now, you know, it's been a year since we've had a little bit more than a year since we've been able to record an episode, right? We've stayed in touch via text and others, you know, and messenger, yes, things like that. But how have you gotten better in this last year about being aware of Jesus walking with you?
Benny DiChiara:Okay, I'm gonna go way back on you. You're ready. So okay, go for it. like way, way back, like 80s. In my BC life, when I had a secular rock band in New Orleans had hair. Now No, less is more. But like then yeah. And dressed onstage saw things, I never wanted to see anything. So I had my keyboard, right, because playing keyboards, and I had a ramp that my keyboard sat on, in the ramp went down to the stage, and my brother in law who played guitar with me at the time, he would run up the ramp, and I'd reach across and high five, and we do all this crazy stuff on stage. On the front of the ramp was a star that I had painted. And inside the star was a cross in the tail of the cross kind of came down through the peak at the bottom of the star. And people would ask me all now I'm not saved. I'm in church every Sunday. If I died, I'd probably went to hell, because I didn't know Jesus, but in church every Sunday, and everybody's like, what is that? And I'm like, the stars what I want to be, are you ready for this? Here's a nugget, the stars, what I want to be in that cross is who's gonna get me there? Okay, as I look back on it pretty ironic, you know, because I don't want to be a star. Now, I don't want to be famous. I just want to make Jesus famous, like he needs help. But that's the goal here. And so, so, but I look back and see that and know that thought, and I'm like, God was working on me in the 80s, late 80s. For what's happening now. Right, right, in 2022 2021 2020. It's been a whirlwind for the past couple of years. So it just you look at that, and you go, how could I have missed that? Right? And so like, when I first got saved, I actually had remorse. I'm like, what took me so long, I was 35. I'm like, man, I've wasted some time. Well, wait, and then God kinda was like, hit the brakes. Timeout. Never, ever feel guilty about when you've come to me because I've always been here for you. Always, as waiting for you as a as a kid, as a waiting for you through high school as waiting for you when you are married and having kids and doing the rock thing. I've just been waiting for you. And I get you know, I give people freewill. Judas had free will. And he turned him over, right? So I've been waiting for you. As always, if you ever have any doubt, look at this book that's hanging around. It's got a really cool title called Holy Bible. It talks about how I'm always there for you. And I'm always waiting for you. It's just when people come prodigal son, perfect story to represent coming back to Jesus, right. And ever since he put that on me. I've never once again said, I'm so sorry, it took me so long. Because the truth of the matter is in a real world sense, is that I went through some things that prepared me how to better handle what I would face as a Christian, and how I could talk to people about my prior experiences. And if not for God, what would have made it different? Or better? Or have me where I am now, if that makes sense. So So I mean, so for me, the way that my walk has grown now is basically I kind of don't care. I'm not saying this in a mean way, or, or or or bad way. I don't care what people think. Basically, you know, you're a crazy Christian. That's cool. Love you, man. And it just you have to roll like that. Because otherwise it flies in the face of what you say you believe. It's one thing to talk to talk. It's totally another walk the walk. And walking the walk is harder than talking because you don't have to prove anything talking. Oh, I know Jesus, I believe him. But to walk to walk it it's it's a tougher Do right? People, I can walk around with a Bible every day of my life. And people go, Oh, look at him. He's got a Christian rock band, he rolls with a Bible. And it will not speak as much as if they see us after a show. Praying for somebody, or just talking to somebody about what they're going through, or, or something like that, you know, so it's kind of where it is for me. So as I go along the way of my life, right, since I got saved. Wow. That's the only word that I have. You know. And thank you, Laura, for Thank you for waiting for me. And I am thankful that I didn't wait longer, right. So it's been Yeah, been cool. Yeah, it's cool.
John Matarazzo:That's good about how you can look back and you can see all that. But like, just since the last time we added, we had a chance to talk. How have you? How was your relationship with Jesus grown? Like, what are some measurable things that you can say, you know, a year ago, my life was like this in this area. But now Jesus has helped me take it take a few more steps along the way. In this.
Benny DiChiara:Yeah, one thing is discipline. Right. So I do a little Bible study. For a small group of guys, we've been doing it for 20 something years, that's on Thursday mornings. And so that's an incredible thing. But every morning, I do a little Bible study, and I tried to read I try my best to read one chapter a day. So I can read through the entire Bible I've been through a couple of times. But it's an every time I discipline myself to do that. The same story, the same verses, I learned something new. And it just jumps off the page at means like, may I bet you haven't heard that one? And I'm like, I've read you four times. What are you talking about? Yet? And on time number five, right? It's, it's it's like the see parts. It you just see a dry landbridge to go through. And I'm like that that's been that's been probably one of the biggest things with with everything going on all these moving parts that I have going on, trying to do new records in, you know, and there's just being a Christian is one thing, but you've got to do the work. There's work involved, right? And so totally, all of that stuff going on, John, and it's just that discipline to say, yeah, it's kind of like God saying, and listen, you're no busier than me. I've got quite a few things going on. Maybe a few more than you, Benny. So just tune in. And so that pressing thing that we were talking about earlier, for me, is like really pressing in to the word because I mean, church is great on Sunday, sometimes churches, great on Sunday, and Wednesday. If you do that, plus, you have like a little small group, and that's great, too. But if we want to hear from God daily, we need to press in daily. So and that takes discipline. And so for me, it's early in the morning. So for other people, it can be late at night, but find some alone time with God in and work on that discipline to do that, because unless you have a quiet time to talk to him, you can't hear back what he's got for you. So that's been a big thing this past year.
John Matarazzo:Yeah, that discipline is really important. That's something I've been kind of trying to get better at. Because I've been in Florida now creating a new life for a little bit more than a year. And a year in a couple of months right now. And it's amazing how some of the disciplines that I used to have, I don't have any more. Yeah, you know, it's just hard to sometimes you move locations and or you move something in life and it changes. And you're now trying to regain some of those disciplines. Now. There's other disciplines in my life that I've started and have, and I've been able to develop. And I'm trying to get it to a place where I'm more consistent with all those things again, so, right, I'm setting goals. Again, I'm trying to journal on a regular basis again, but those disciplines, man, that's really going to get you in a good way, you know, it'll challenge you and just let yourself be accountable. Whether it be to boys just goes and deadline or accountable. Yeah. Yeah, sometimes you can get it you can ask other people to help you be accountable.
Benny DiChiara:It's about being accountable to him, too. Right. Yeah, so totally. And that helps the accountability and discipline. Just they just go hand in hand. They don't they don't bash each other. They they work together compliment. Yeah, I think he does that right. So so our ability to be accountable to him, has to start by the discipline of us wanting to have that relationship with him and press in and see what he's got for us. And yeah, that's a big lesson. That's a big lesson for anybody, no matter where they are.
John Matarazzo:So Benny, could you just tell our listeners how they can follow your music and listen to you know, I'll meet you there, which is Daddy song and listen to the children and some of the other stuff that you've been putting out there? How can people find because we've been talking about that for almost an hour, and we hope people were able to find it themselves.
Benny DiChiara:That'd be cool. So the band website is rockin minus A G source, roc, k i n, the number four jesus.com. So we went to something simple. So there it is, rockin for Jesus calm. So you can see some things there. All of the songs that we're talking about are on every streaming, I think we're on 40 Something streaming platforms. So you could go there, regardless of what you're on, you could go on there. On Facebook, we are empowered on Instagram, you can follow us it's empowered, official, empowered, rockin for Jesus official. And on YouTube, on YouTube, just look for empowered, official, or you could just look at one of the songs and the rest of the videos that we've done, smooth across for you. So it's been been, it's been a blast. And that's
John Matarazzo:good. I'll do one better for you. I'll make sure that in the show description, I put links to your main site so that people can go to their connections. That's that's, that's trying to be helpful. Good, I see. Yeah, is that it's good to catch up with you and talk with you again, you know, it's been like, like I said, just over a year, since we've really taught, I mean, we've stayed connected. But, you know, it's really cool to see what God's been doing in your life and how, you know, he's provided more opportunities for you, and you've been faithful with those to talk about Jesus, you know, you won, that you won that competition, had the opportunity to talk about yourself or talk about Jesus, and you chose to talk about Jesus, and, you know, open up those doors and a little bit of both a little bit of both. But of course, of course, you know, it's a
Benny DiChiara:blessing to see what God's doing with you, especially since the move to and I mean, you know, because it goes beyond friendship at some point, right? You just, you just, there's a joy when you see somebody excelling and what God has for them regarding what they're doing. And that's how it should be in the body. Right, we should be supportive, and amen, in behind each other. And it's been a blast to say, Man, I love when we get the chance to hang up. It's been fun. Amen.
John Matarazzo:Likewise, you know, I normally have my, my along the way questions that I kind of always wrap things up with. But, Benny, I just want to thank you so much for being in my life, and, you know, allowing me to join you along your way for another time.
Benny DiChiara:Yeah, same brother, I appreciate you more than I can tell you find a friend, like Martha, that so many people as what you need to do, your life on your way will be will be changed. And I'm sure if they tuned in into all of your podcasts. You know, it's just you're following God's heart, man. And it's it's awesome to watch and follow you as well. So it's been, it's been a blast and a blessing.
John Matarazzo:Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you for listening to along the way. If you've enjoyed joining me along my way, please share this with a friend who you think will be encouraged by this podcast. Also, please rate and review along the way on iTunes. That helps more people discover along the way. And subscribe to this podcast wherever you're listening. You can follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and on my website along the way dot media. I hope that you've enjoyed this part of my journey. And may you realize when Jesus is walking with you along your way. Along the way is honored to be part of the charisma Podcast Network. You can find tons of spirit filled content from their vast catalogue of podcasts, including my news stories with the charisma news podcast. Go to CPN shows.com To see the full list and latest episodes